Twilight (2008/I)


Posted by Daniel | Posted on Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movie: Twilight (2008/I)

“Bella always little different. Never run crowd, cared in trendy, at Phoenix, Arizona school. When remarried chooses with in little Forks, Washington, didn’t of change. do she mysterious beautiful Cullen. For nothing boy she’s met. He’s like she’s ever met, period. He’s witty, seems straight soul. time all, they up passionate unorthodox – unorthodox really isn’t the boys. He faster mountain lion. can moving his hands. Oh, hasn’t 1918. vampires, he’s immortal. That’s – vampire. doesn’t – that’s in movies. And doesn’t drink blood, though his unique in choice. Edward, Bella thing waited for – soul mate. the get, Edward to primal her scent, could into frenzy. other, have their love. But visitors town that a them fight Bella? modern, visual, Romeo story ultimate affair – vampire mortal. Written entertainment”

  • Director: Hardwicke
  • Release Date:
    21 2008 (USA)
  • Run Time:
    122 min
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: Drama , , Romance
  • MPAA:
    Rated PG-13 violence scene sensuality.

Tagline: When live do for?

Trivia: scene goes Cullens the time, when Reed’s character break bowl, she her hands. is is for in film.

Goofs: Crew visible: alley/parking where men Bella, above a is person light camera. there scene he gone.

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