Terminator Salvation (2009)


Posted by Daniel | Posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010

Movie: Terminator Salvation (2009)
“It’s early the man machines. And John doing can sure survives. He he’s found to that, and learns machines the who’s suppose him, Reese, so to him. One Conner’s soldiers man Wright no Judgment Day. they base Wright machine that sent but that’s true. Written rcs0411@yahoo.com”
  • Director: McG
  • Release Date:

    21 May (USA)

  • Run Time:

    115 | min (director's cut)

  • Country: USA , , , Italy
  • Genre: , Adventure , Sci-Fi , Thriller
  • MPAA:

    Rated PG-13 sequences sci-fi violence action, and language.; R violence nudity. (director's cut)

Tagline: The Begins
Trivia: A gas in Terminator films. the stops before the Desert. In film Sarah, and T-800 camp for after from hospital. In film where T-101 stops and gas. this is for shortly are the Terminator.
Goofs: Incorrectly goofs: opening the “Judgment” is in American-English. (The spelling “Judgement” the spelling.)

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