The Hangover (2009)


Posted by Daniel | Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Movie: The Hangover (2009)

“Angelenos Billings Garner to married. Two the wedding, four the – Doug, Doug’s two Phil Stu Price, Tracy’s Garner – into Tracy’s father’s beloved for 24-hour stag Las Vegas. Phil, a school teacher, the level students he’s with pals. Stu, dentist, is everything, his Melissa thinks. she traditional rituals, to her stag, her are a tour Napa Valley. Regardless, he eventually her, against and his friends. Alan be what the of world. after in Vegas, they their each worst hangover. remembers in twelve hours. is shambles. And are suite shouldn’t be, things be suite missing. Probably important latter Doug. Phil, Stu try Doug what of have hand, they a discovery certain into and to items. are race as can’t in few hours, are have to they yet Los Angeles. even worse, may Doug before wedding. Written Huggo”

  • Director: Todd Phillips
  • Release Date:
    5 (USA)
  • Run Time:
    100 min
  • Country: , Germany
  • Genre: Comedy
  • MPAA:
    Rated R language, including nudity, some material.

Tagline: Some can't Vegas

Trivia: Todd his and ownership film instead. an Howard Stern, said to film’s box-office “this is [his] Wars (1977).”

Goofs: Continuity: (At 35:07) girls twice hands tooth.

The Blind Side (2009)


Posted by Daniel

Movie: The Blind (2009)

“A poor, under-educated recruited major program is an academically prospect. IMDb editor”

  • Director: Lee Hancock
  • Release Date:
    20 (USA)
  • Run Time:
    USA:128 min
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: , Sport
  • MPAA:
    Rated PG-13 scene violence, sexual references.

Trivia: real coaches but schools: (was coach, of football), Holtz (was Carolina coach, now TV), Houston (was Arkansas coach, now head coach), Orgeron (was Miss coach, now Tennessee), (was coach, head coach), Tuberville (was head coach, out football).

Goofs: Revealing mistakes: at closeup Oher football uniform, mouthpiece from upside-down the players (e.g. would down put his of up). Also, the clearly and been fit Oher’s mouth.

2012 (2009/I)


Posted by Daniel

Movie: 2012 (2009/I)

“Dr. Helmsley, part worldwide investigating on of unprecedented storms, learns earth’s heating up. warns U.S. Thomas the the becoming that preparations a the world’s population, the is doomed. Meanwhile, writer stumbles same information. the world’s race “arks” the cataclysm, Curtis find to family. Meanwhile, eruptions of wreak the world. by {}”

  • Director: Emmerich
  • Release Date:
    13 2009 (USA)
  • Run Time:
    158 min
  • Country: , Canada
  • Genre: , , Drama , Sci-Fi , Thriller
  • MPAA:
    Rated PG-13 disaster some language.

Tagline: Were Warned.

Trivia: character is name Cent (Curtis Jackson) backwards. Emmerich big rapper and name character him.

Goofs: Continuity: comes his to camping, he passing back his the fully opened, in shot is opening.

Paranormal Activity (2007)


Posted by Daniel

Movie: Paranormal Activity (2007)

“After young, couple a ’starter’ tract house, become by that may somehow is active middle night. they sleep. try to. by Pictures”

  • Director: Oren Peli
  • Release Date:
    16 (USA)
  • Run Time:
    86 min | 99 (extended version)
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: , , Thriller
  • MPAA:
    Rated for language.

Tagline: Happens Sleep?

Trivia: completed days.

Goofs: mistakes: In where “demon”’s footprints scene, the is toed spread, similar of bird. However scene see demon’s foot door bedroom is of human being.

(500) Days of Summer (2009)


Posted by Daniel | Posted on Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Movie: (500) Days (2009)

“After as she’s left for time, reflects the one he Finn. physically almost respect, Summer attracted of men, included. Tom, it at when into card he worked, the assistant. Soon, knew was with wanted the his life. Summer believe or – in assertion, real always in Summer than friends. Through and Tom Summer’s so-called relationship, could on of best friends, and Paul. However, it Tom’s adolescent sister, Rachel, who voice reason. After said done, Tom one has the listen not. Written Huggo”

  • Director: Marc Webb
  • Release Date: 2 (UK)
  • Run Time: 95 min
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: , , Romance
  • MPAA: Rated PG-13 for and language.

Tagline: meets girl. falls love. Girl doesn't.
Trivia: sounds game Tom’s friends in scenes a “Donkey Kong” the Boy.
Goofs: Audio/visual unsynchronized: In scene sings instrumentals looped, but is after singing verse, can word “and…” then nothing.

New Moon (2009)


Posted by Daniel | Posted on Monday, December 28, 2009

Movie: New Moon (2009)

“After recovers vampire almost life, to birthday and family. However, accident festivities Bella’s shed, that intense Cullens, to town Forks, Washington and Edward’s sake. Initially heartbroken, finds of reckless living, well even-closer Jacob Black. in awaits. IMDb Editors”

  •  Director: Weitz
  • Release Date:  20 November (USA)
  • Run Time: 130 min
  • Country: USA
  • Genre: , Fantasy , , , Thriller
  • MPAA: Rated PG-13 for and action.

Tagline: Next Begins
Trivia: ‘Diego Luna’ offered of Aro.
Goofs: Continuity: At party Cullens, Bella present it’s necklace, but doesn’t open present, or put anywhere passes present Emmett, which holding hands shakes it

Inglourious Basterds (2009)


Posted by Daniel

Movie: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
“In Nazi France, young Shosanna the her Colonel Landa. Narrowly her life, plots several when hero takes interest and illustrious at she runs. With of Nazi attendance, catches of “Basterds”, a Jewish-American led ruthless Lt. Raine. relentless and young girl’s are motion, will a that the of history. by Twins”

  • Director: Tarantino
  • Release Date: 21 2009 (USA)
  • Run Time: 153 min
  • Country: , Germany
  • Genre: , War
  • MPAA: Rated R graphic violence, and sexuality.
Tagline: Once time occupied France…
Trivia: character is as voice, the Christian Brückner. Similarily, the the is as on radio, played Keitel. provided dubbing Harvey _Pulp (1994)_.
Goofs: Continuity: beginning movie, of painting wall is his generals. they in over-head shot.